What is Planet Nine…? I’ve spent years trying to answer that question. My mission started seven years ago. The goal, make something that everybody could benefit from. The one thing everyone could benefit from: money. So figure out a way to get everyone money. I’ve tried making that happen several ways with little success, but I’m not giving up.

If you know me, you know I like stacks. In fact I believe human beings have an innate love of stacks. But I didn’t heed my own belief… I started trying to build the stack near the top when I needed to build it from the bottom. Lesson learned.

This site’s under construction. If you poke around you’ll find artifacts from various stages of trying to build this like a startup. That was the wrong approach. Startups need to solve one problem. I don’t know what we call things that try to solve many problems, but whatever that is, that’s what I’m going to try for.

Once I’ve put together what the stack looks like I’ll update this page. If you somehow land here and are curious, feel free to email me at zach at planetnine dot app. I’ll be back with the stack in a bit.